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Meet The Graduates

Our newly minted graduates reflect on the experience and offer advice.

HR By The Numbers: Social Recruiting Comes to Lehigh

Lehigh HR is using its social media channels to attract great talent to the University. Take a look at how we're doing so far.

An "Army of Good Leaders" Learns Patience and Coaching

Through group projects and training in the art of coaching, 27 Lehigh staff are ready to tackle the middle work and transform Lehigh.

Lehigh Employees Sacrifice and Gain Through Graduate Education

Long nights of studying and guilt over missed social occasions give way to pride in accomplishment for seven Lehigh staff members this year.

Retirees Honored at Appreciation Dinner


Forty five members of the Lehigh employee community retired in the last year.  At the recent Lehigh Appreciation Dinner, those new retirees in attendance gathered for a group photo. We wish all of our retirees an enjoyable and well-deserved next chapter in their lives.


Karen Adams
Administrative Director, Athletics

2017 Lehigh University Awards

This year's awardees are improving our community and changing the world.

Kelly Predmore: Lehigh Alumna, Financial Analyst, and Lifesaver

Financial Analyst Kelly Predmore '12 has woven a career in accounting and a desire to help people in crisis into a fulfilling life.

May 17 Background Check Deadline Approaching

Have you completed your background checks yet?


Career Coaching for Managers: Build and Support Your Team

Our student athletes aren’t the only ones on campus who need coaches. Help your employees thrive. Become their career coach.


Save the Date! The Lehigh Appreciation Dinner

Invitations will go out in April, but mark your calendars now.
