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Update on Act 153 Background Checks


During the summer, Pennsylvania legislature made changes to Act 153, the state law mandating criminal background checks for all employees who have contact with minors. The following message was sent to all employees. We're sharing it here in case you missed it.


Generations in the Workplace: The Big Shift

Significant changes are happening in the generational make up of Lehigh's staff and faculty.

Crucial Accountability


Anything like this ever happen to you?

Coffeepot Chatter: The Only Constant


Maria (to Harry): I’ve seen the next university president, John Simon, on campus a few times and heard very positive things about him. I’m looking forward to when he officially starts.

Harry: I’ve heard the same – all positive. I too am looking forward to his start on campus.

Maria: Do you think there will be a lot of change due to his leadership?

Harry: I’m sure there will be.

Finding The Summer Wardrobe Sweet Spot

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