Plan Your 2022 Career Enrichment

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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

This time of year, as we reflect on our performance for our annual dialogue, we’re also keeping the year ahead very much in our view. It’s a great time to make professional learning and development plans and Career Enrichment @ Lehigh (CE@L) has scheduled a range of opportunities for the first half of 2022. Be sure to put some on your calendar.

If you aren’t sure whether or not you’ve attended a program previously, you can follow these instructions to view your past training completions.

Cornerstones of Community

Cornerstones of Community is a career enrichment track that brings together courses, programs and experiences with the goal of building a community that exemplifies the Principles of our Equitable Community and is an expectation of all staff and supervisors. 

Read more about the Cornerstones of Community track here or visit this link for additional information about requirements.


Dr. Deborah J. Walker, senior consultant at VISIONS, Inc. will be returning to Lehigh to deliver VISIONS workshops on January 14, 18, and 20, 2022. Participation in VISIONS, a component of Cornerstones of Community, is an expectation of all supervisors. 

VISIONS is an important part of our progress toward becoming an antiracist university. This program is designed to introduce Lehigh staff and faculty to the framework and common language being used to enhance the university's internal capacity to create an equitable campus community.

VISIONS workshop attendees will learn how to:

  • Identify previously unconscious biases and misinformation in themselves, in others, and in organizations
  • Communicate more effectively across difference
  • Recognize personal, interpersonal, institutional and cultural barriers to inclusion
  • Understand the ongoing personal effects of historical and contemporary exclusion and oppression, for example, the effects of sexism on individuals of all genders
  • Facilitate change in groups and organizations to create a supportive environment of inclusion

Visit this link to view the schedule and register today.

Inclusion Insights

This two-part program is an expectation of all staff and managers. In it, you will view and discuss eleven video insights presented by Steve Robbins, Ph.D. In the various video clips, Steve discusses stereotypes, unintentional intolerance, how human nature and our brains don't always help us be inclusive, and what we can do to prevent this. In order to fulfill Cornerstones of Community requirements, Parts 1 and 2 of the virtual version of this course must both be completed. 

Register for Part 1 Here
Register for Part 2 Here

Power Play: Speaking Up

The next virtual visit by PowerPlay’s interactive bystander training workshop will include all new scenarios. Ever wondered “Why didn’t I say something?” after witnessing social bias—a stereotype, a prejudice or discrimination—that happened in your everyday life? Deciding whether and how to respond to bias or incivility is complicated. Understanding what motivates us to speak up, the challenges we face when doing so, and strategies for effective responding can help bystanders better evaluate their options and select effective strategies. 

In this web-based workshop, attendees will first learn about bystander reactions to social biases and how these reactions can help or hinder decisions to speak up. Building on this understanding, participants will learn key strategies for speaking up that invite reflection and dialogue. Attendees will then be invited to apply these concepts to everyday incidents of bias or incivility through facilitated interaction and discussion.

Registration for Staff

Registration for Faculty

Registration for Combined Faculty and Staff Session

Need Help With PageUp for your Performance Appraisal? 

Join performance expert Linda Lefever and Tarah Cicero for an overview of the PageUp performance management tool. We’ll show you everything you need to know about navigating PageUp for the performance review process

Register for the Staff Sessions

Register for the Manager Session

For just-in-time learning, including detailed user guides and instructional videos, check out the Performance User Guide.

LinkedIn Learning

Did you know that all LU staff and faculty have free access to LinkedIn Learning (LiL)? This leading online learning platform helps anyone learn business, software, technology, and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals. Explore over 12,000 courses and 5,000 video tutorials from industry experts and leaders all in one place. You can brush up on technical skills, soft skills, or learn something totally new. This platform has so much to offer! Activate your account and begin exploring learning opportunities today.

To learn how to get the most out of LiL, join Stacey Kimmel-Smith and Tarah Cicero for the Exploring LinkedIn Learning LTS Seminar on February 23rd at 9AM. 

For More Information

You can see all of our upcoming programs on the Learning Calendar by following this link (login required). Have questions? Drop a line to