Although this column is called “There’s An App For That,” The Spot’s crack editorial team has decided that websites and other digital resources are also worthy of coverage here.
After all, when you really think about it, a website is kind of like a big app. Or is an app kind of like a small website? We’ll let you mull that over while we share our latest review.
IBH on the Web
Over the years, the website of IBH, our employee assistance program (EAP) provider, has offered a wealth of information and resources. Its design, however, was falling a bit behind with the times. It was time for a makeover, and they’ve really gone all out.
The new IBH website launched recently and we think it’s a big step forward for user experience. Here’s a quick look at some of its features.
The Login Remains The Same: Because the benefits of the IBH WorkLIfe Resources website are intended only for EAP members, you will still need to log in. Our login credentials haven’t changed, but how you get there is a bit different:
- Navigate to
- Select “I’m A Member”
- On the right side, enter “Lehigh” and click the “My Benefits” button
- You’ll be taken to a page that includes a summary of Lehigh’s EAP benefits. Be sure to check those out so you’re familiar with them.
- On the right side, you’ll see the login form. Type in the following:
- User Name: lehigh
- Password: univ03
User Friendly Homepage: The new homepage is clean and colorful and boasts sixteen tiles covering all of the categories of information available on the site. Roll your mouse over the picture in a tile to get a brief description of the content. To dive in, click “go” or “more.”
The Training Center: Several topics include links to the IBH Training Center. The Training Center features more than sixty courses in the areas of communication, personal and professional development, leadership, and interpersonal skills.
Webinars: IBH has offered webinars for years, but now they’re even easier to access.
Assessments: Take advantage of thirteen health assessments, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders and stress.
The IBH App
IBH does have an app available, however, it includes information that is more general in nature regarding the EAP benefits.
The app has a few nice features, including a built-in “Call Now” button, however, it’s also a little buggy. Because of that, we’re not recommending it at this time for Lehigh employees. We will monitor its future development.
Next TAAFT: The Health Savings Account App