Employees are Taking Over Work/Life Lehigh on Instagram!

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Monday, November 13, 2017

by Haley Wentzel '17, Employee Communications Intern

As we’ve discussed in prior issues of The Spot, Lehigh Human Resources is working to create a stronger employer brand for the University through social media. As part of that effort, the power of the the Work/Life Lehigh Instagram page is being placed in the hands of employees.


How Employee Takeovers Work


Social media “takeovers” are opportunities for people who don’t usually run an organization’s account to have the opportunity to control that social media platform for a full day. In our case, we’re inviting staff and faculty members to volunteer to capture Lehigh through their eyes for our Instagram audience. Throughout their featured day they can show off what they do, introduce their colleagues, give followers a look at where they work on campus, and share other aspects of their work life that they want to highlight.


When posting on the Work/Life Lehigh Instagram page, our takeover artists are using the hash tags #EmployeeTakeover #LehighEmployeeTakeover and #WorkLifeLehigh. By doing so, their posts become part of a larger conversation going on worldwide with employees of other organizations doing takeovers of their own. This helps put Lehigh on the map for new hires as well as give our followers a chance to check out employee takeovers from other places.


Our First Takeover Stars


So far, there have been three employee takeovers. Abby Barlok, (photo below left) Communications Specialist in the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, was our first employee. Following Abby, Bill Bettermann, (photo below right) LTS Computer and Network Support, and Brent Stringfellow, (photo below center) University Architect, also walked us through their days.


Lehigh’s staff and faculty fill a diverse range of roles. If you’ve ever wondered just what folks do in other areas of the University, our employee takeovers are a great way to see what people are up to across campus. It also allows prospective employees to get a glimpse of what working for Lehigh is all about.

The Work/Life Instagram page will also be posting more regularly outside of the takeovers. The page will be used as another way to inform all employees of any updates, events or important information. Be sure to follow @worklifelehigh in order to see the employee spotlights and stay up to date with other news.


Want to join in on the #EmployeeTakeover fun? We’re looking for participation from staff and faculty from all corners of the University. To prepare, you’ll receive a brief training prior to your day. We also encourage you to promote your special day on your own social media. Send us an email (email Haley before until December 11 or Hillary anytime after) and we can arrange a day for you to take control of the account and schedule your training.