Human Resources has been working behind the scenes to create a new website for staff and faculty. As of today, the new site – - is live and accessible. The homepage will feature special sections and the latest HR news, so check back frequently. The new navigation includes a search box on the top of every page.

You’ll also find it easier to reach the right contacts if you need more information thanks to the “Need Help?” boxes on the right-hand side of key topic pages.

We hope you’ll find the new website easy to use. Should you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to contact Hillary Kwiatek at
New Communications Campaign For Employees…BE WELL
BE WELL. You’ll be seeing those two words a lot this fall. BE WELL is our new communications campaign that will promote the full range of Benefits and Wellness programs that faculty and staff have access to at Lehigh.

Whether we’re reminding you to BE WELL…positioned for retirement or to BE WELL….connected to your colleagues, we’re sending the message that all of the benefits you have as a Lehigh employee tie into an integrated total compensation package.
So, BE WELL....prepared to see and hear more about your benefits this fall!