In conjunction with the new Lehigh University Retirement Plan, we are asking you to think about what your retirement vision is. When you look at your future, what do you see? Are you anticipating the life of a beachcomber? Planning to hit the road in an RV? Looking forward to more time with grandkids and your garden?
Now, take it a step further and show us that vision in a photograph! Share it on Instagram via the hashtag #LehighRetirement and we’ll post it on the Work/Life Lehigh Facebook page.

Not the Instagram type? Email your photo to Hillary Kwiatek and she’ll work some Instagram magic on your image.
Since retirement planners often advise cutting out your daily latte to save more for the future, we thought we’d add a fun prize to the mix. Anyone who submits a photo will be entered in a drawing to win a Go-Card from Saxby’s, the new coffee house opening on Morton Street November 9.
So get your creative juices flowing and we look forward to seeing your snapshots soon!