We're happy to share the following information with staff and faculty from Annalisa Lylly Emerick, Campus Engagement Graduate Assistant from the Office of Sustainability:
Lehigh makes it easy to Be Well (mind, body, and spirit). This summer you had the chance to earn points and get healthy through simple, impactful changes like wearing sunscreen, taking walks, and eating “real” food. We hope you’re feeling better than ever as the summer winds down.
Don’t stop now! The new Be Well challenge starts on October 1 this fall, but you can launch the new year with 50 points under your belt right now. How can you earn 50 points? Make the pledge to go Car Free on September 22.
The Office of Sustainability is partnering with Human Resources to help you improve your physical fitness, reduce your carbon footprint, enhance your mindfulness & creativity, and save money—all in one day. Achieve this and more by joining your Lehigh colleagues on Car Free Day. Make the pledge now!
What is Car Free Day? A worldwide event to encourage alternative methods of transportation.
When is Car Free Day? Thursday, September 22, 2016
How does Car Free Day help Lehigh? Lehigh strives to create a sustainable campus that merges environmentally responsible solutions (such as going car free) with equitable community practices (such as carpooling with your colleagues) and economic prosperity (saving money). Participation in this event is one of many ways you can help Lehigh integrate the three pillars of sustainability throughout the university.
In a survey distributed to Lehigh faculty and staff in 2014, 90.1% of respondents said they use single occupancy vehicles to get to campus. Since the average car releases 300 pounds of carbon dioxide for every 15 gallons of gasoline (Car Free Network) we have the opportunity to make a big impact with a small change. Let’s go Car Free once a year, once a month, or even every day!
How does Car Free Day help me? Let us count the ways:
Walking or biking to work improves your physical fitness
Reducing car use lessens your carbon footprint
Less gas = saving money
Carpooling helps you bond with your colleagues
How do I find a carpool buddy for Car Free Day? Use your Lehigh username and password to sign in to zimride.com/lehigh, a fun and easy way to share the seats in your car or catch a ride.
Need another incentive to carpool? Feel like a Lehigh VIP with special parking spaces* reserved just for Car Free Day participants.
I can’t walk or carpool on my commute, but I’ll run errands without my car that day. How do I get a Zagster bike? Take advantage of the trial membership to Zagster—Lehigh’s bike sharing program—available only during the week of September 22. Once you make the pledge, we’ll send you details. Go to zagster.com/lehigh for more information.
What’s this I hear about free smoothies and raffle prizes?! Reward yourself for going car free with a smoothie and snacks, available on the STEPS lawn from 11a-1p on Car Free Day. Please be sure to sign the pledge in advance so we have enough smoothies for everyone. Share your commitment on Facebook and Instagram for a chance to win a bike, helmet, and more.
I’m in! How do I make the pledge?
Choose the team that fits you best (#LUteamwalk, #LUteambus, #LUteamcarpool, #LUteambike)
Spread the word on Facebook or Instagram
* We hope to be wildly overwhelmed with participants and therefore cannot guarantee use of the specially reserved parking spaces, however, we will try to accommodate all carpoolers on Car Free Day.