Posted: January 13, 2022
As mentioned in a recent communications about the booster requirement, all Lehigh faculty and staff must document that they have received a booster vaccine (or have an exemption) by Friday, January 14, 2022.
The federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)’s Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard requires large employers to maintain records of vaccination and/or exemption status, including digital images of proof of vaccination. To comply with the OSHA standard, we have partnered with Vault Health to collect and hold accurate vaccination data from faculty and staff. All faculty and staff must provide Vault Health with their COVID vaccination status via the Vault Health Vaccination Tracking System.
IMPORTANT: All Lehigh employees are required to complete this step, regardless of vaccination or exemption status, and regardless of whether or not they completed the attestation confirming their vaccination earlier this academic year.
Using the Vault Health Vaccination Tracking System
You should have received an email from Vault Health that explains the mandatory vaccination status survey. In the Vault email, you’ll be provided with a link to complete the survey.
To complete the survey, you must have a Vault account. If you already have a Vault account associated with your Lehigh work email, you can use that account. If you do not have a Vault account tied to your Lehigh email, you will be prompted to create one.
Once you are logged in to the survey, you will answer several questions and indicate your vaccination status:
- All employees must indicate their vaccination status. Do not select “Will Not Disclose;” if you do, your survey will not be considered complete.
- If you are vaccinated, you will enter information about the vaccine manufacturer of each dose (including booster), including dates, lot numbers, and the location where you received your doses. You must also upload an image of your vaccination card, a PDF of your medical portal with proof of vaccination, or another OSHA-approved form of documentation.
- If you are unvaccinated and have a religious or medical exemption, select “Other (Valid exemption)” and specify your exemption type. If you do not have an exemption, you should select “No.” After you have made your selection, you will be asked to provide your mailing address. Unvaccinated employees will receive additional instructions in a separate email.
If you are scheduled for a booster between now and January 14, please wait to complete your Vault Health survey until after you have received the shot. After entering the appropriate information, you will sign an attestation that the information you provided is accurate.
Employees who are also current Lehigh students and previously submitted their vaccination documentation via Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) must also complete the Vault Health process.
Exemption Requests: If Your Circumstances Have Changed
If your medical or religious circumstances have changed since receiving the original vaccination series and you intend to submit a new request for a medical or religious exemption from the booster requirement, you are required to provide additional information as described on the FAQ on our Vaccination Resources Center: "Can I submit a medical or religious exemption request for the COVID booster?"
The following links should be used to access the appropriate forms: Medical Exemption Request / Religious Exemption Request.
As a reminder, those who have already received approved medical or religious exemption from the COVID vaccination requirement are also exempt from the booster requirement, which is an extension of the university’s COVID vaccination requirement.
Individuals with approved exemptions are required to participate in mandatory weekly COVID surveillance testing, follow CDC guidelines for quarantining if they are identified as a close contact of a person who tested positive for COVID, complete a daily symptom self-assessment, and wear a face covering, even if that requirement is lifted for vaccinated employees.
About Vault Health and Protecting Your Personal Information
Vault Health provides Lehigh’s ongoing COVID surveillance testing program. You can read their full privacy policy, and learn about ways to opt-out of certain communications and disclosures here.
For more information about Lehigh’s COVID vaccine requirements, booster shots, and the vaccine in general, please consult the FAQ section of the university’s coronavirus website. If you have a specific question not answered by the FAQ, please email
FAQ Regarding Vaccination Documentation for Faculty and Staff
I am a faculty/staff member and lost my vaccine card. What should I do?
Vaccine providers may not require you to show your vaccination card to get a booster or may be able to provide you with separate documentation that you received a booster. Check with your local vaccine provider for their processes and requirements.
There are other forms of vaccination proof that may also be used. Refer to this list provided by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA).
I am a faculty/staff member and I won’t be eligible for the booster before January 14, 2022. Can I still work on campus?
Yes, for a limited time. Those who become eligible AFTER this timeline will need to get their booster shot within fourteen (14) days after they become eligible. If you will not reach this eligibility within 4 weeks of January 14 (Feb 11), you will need to submit a request for a temporary medical exemption. NOTE: A request for a medical exemption for any reason other than reaching the six (6) month threshold will require a note from your doctor.
I am a faculty/staff member and completed my vaccine information but now need to add my booster information, where do I go to provide that information?
Send proof of your booster shot to and they will update your record.
I am a faculty/staff member and uploaded the wrong information or need to change something that I submitted through Vault.
Please contact Vault Health at