September Anniversaries

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Congratulations to everyone marking a milestone anniversary at Lehigh in September. We apologize for not including these anniversaries in September.

Thank you for your service to our campus community.


Five Years

Sara Afflerbach Counseling Services
Deirdre M. Kwiatek Development Office
Katherine W. Lavinder DOS - Student Life
Nathaniel A. Righi LTS Distance Education
Evelynda. Santos Multicultural Affairs
Eroll Wilson Athletics
Linda Wismer Healthcare Systems Engineering

Ten Years

Yatin S. Karpe Office of Technology Transfer
Diana Q. Shepherd Iacocca Institute

Fifteen Years

Jason D. Gall Athletics

Twenty Years

Julie B. Fogt Centennial School
David W. Kasten Facilities Services
Sean P. Leary Athletics
William. Warfield Music

Twenty Five Years

Ricky S. Blum Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ward M. Cates Education and Human Services
Mary E. Deily Economics
Arnold H. Kritz Physics
Judith A. McDonald Economics
Roslyn E. Weiss Philosophy

Thirty Years

David J. Anastasio Earth and Environmental Sciences
Marie-Sophie Armstrong Modern Languages and Literature
Gordon C. Bearn Philosophy
Richard K. Matthews Political Science
Sibel Pamukcu Civil and Environmental Engr
Pam Pepper Theatre
Kurt A. Pfitzer Communications and Public Affairs
Robert H. Storer Industrial and Systems Engineering
Gregory L. Tonkay Industrial and Systems Engineering

Thirty Five Years

Linda F. Bell Registrar
Tulga M. Ozsoy Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
Kemal. Tuzla Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Forty Years

Edward P. Morgan Political Science
Richard N. Weisman Civil and Environmental Engineering

Fifty Years

Ned D. Heindel Chemistry
Jane L. Lenner Office of Research and Sponsored Programs