Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Congratulations to everyone marking a milestone anniversary at Lehigh in September. We apologize for not including these anniversaries in September.
Thank you for your service to our campus community.
Five Years |
Sara Afflerbach | Counseling Services |
Deirdre M. Kwiatek | Development Office |
Katherine W. Lavinder | DOS - Student Life |
Nathaniel A. Righi | LTS Distance Education |
Evelynda. Santos | Multicultural Affairs |
Eroll Wilson | Athletics |
Linda Wismer | Healthcare Systems Engineering |
Ten Years |
Yatin S. Karpe | Office of Technology Transfer |
Diana Q. Shepherd | Iacocca Institute |
Fifteen Years |
Jason D. Gall | Athletics |
Twenty Years |
Julie B. Fogt | Centennial School |
David W. Kasten | Facilities Services |
Sean P. Leary | Athletics |
William. Warfield | Music |
Twenty Five Years |
Ricky S. Blum | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Ward M. Cates | Education and Human Services |
Mary E. Deily | Economics |
Arnold H. Kritz | Physics |
Judith A. McDonald | Economics |
Roslyn E. Weiss | Philosophy |
Thirty Years |
David J. Anastasio | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Marie-Sophie Armstrong | Modern Languages and Literature |
Gordon C. Bearn | Philosophy |
Richard K. Matthews | Political Science |
Sibel Pamukcu | Civil and Environmental Engr |
Pam Pepper | Theatre |
Kurt A. Pfitzer | Communications and Public Affairs |
Robert H. Storer | Industrial and Systems Engineering |
Gregory L. Tonkay | Industrial and Systems Engineering |
Thirty Five Years |
Linda F. Bell | Registrar |
Tulga M. Ozsoy | Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics |
Kemal. Tuzla | Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering |
Forty Years |
Edward P. Morgan | Political Science |
Richard N. Weisman | Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Fifty Years |
Ned D. Heindel | Chemistry |
Jane L. Lenner | Office of Research and Sponsored Programs |