Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Benefits & Wellness Fair Attracts A Crowd
Over 500 faculty and staff visited the fourth Lehigh Benefits & Wellness Fair on Thursday, May 23 in Lamberton Hall. Representatives from most of Lehigh's benefits vendors were in attendance. In addition, employees could learn more about the Lehigh University Police, the Welch Fitness Center, Business Services and more.
Aduro, the vendor who powers Lehigh's new Be Well wellness program, was also on hand answering questions about the program and soliciting new challenge ideas. Thank you to all of the vendors and participants who spent the day with us to provide information to Lehigh's staff and faculty.
SOAR Concludes A Successful First Year
During the fall 2012 semester, Debra Rubart, Anne Noon-Scaggs, Cindy Moser, and Amy Grim worked together to conceptualize and create an onboarding program for new administrative staff. The purpose of the program was to effectively transition new administrative staff to Lehigh’s work environment.

The program took on an aviation theme and name - SOAR - Successful Ongoing Administrative Relationships. In the fall of 2013, a seasoned staff member (captain, shown above) from each of the academic colleges was invited to participate in a test run of the program. In January 2014, SOAR was introduced and eligible staff members were invited to participate. Eighteen captains were trained and paired with their co-pilots (newer administrative staff seen below). This spring, the program celebrated its successful launch with a luncheon in the Tower Room of Iacocca Hall. Congratulations to everyone who earned their wings.