1. Performance Review Time Is Here
The online performance review system, GPS, was revamped this fall to streamline the process. All staff forms have now been launched, and it’s time for employees and supervisors to start working on the forms and scheduling their annual performance meeting.
If you haven’t taken a look a the new GPS, you might want to familiarize yourself before getting started. You can sign up for a“Meet The New GPS” lab via the Online HR Training Registration Tool. You can also read the presentation online here.
2. Do You Have Dependents And/Or A Spouse/Partner On Your Medical Plan?
Each year staff and faculty who include dependents and/or a spouse/partner on their medical plan must complete what is known as a Coordination of Benefits questionnaire.
Last year in Spotlight, we shared an in depth explanation of the coordination of benefits process, which you can read here. Briefly, coordination of benefits is a sound financial management process that ensures that Lehigh is using its benefits dollars in the most efficient way possible.
The questionnaire will ask you a number of questions, including:
- Does your spouse/partner also have coverage for your dependents on a plan from his or her employer?
- What is the birthday (month and day) of the other spouse/partner who provides coverage to your dependents?
- Is there a non-custodial parent who is directed to cover the children on his/her medical plan as part of a custody agreement?
When you receive the questionnaire, complete and return it as soon as possible. If you fail to return it, your spouse/partner or dependents’ coverage could be delayed or rejected.
Call the HR benefits team at extension 83900 if you have any questions.
3. Spring Semester Tuition Cash Grant Reminder
If you have a child receiving the Tuition Cash Grant benefit, remember that the funds can’t be released to his or her school until HR receives a copy of the tuition bill.
The tuition cash grant benefit plan requires that the cash grant for each semester (or other term) be paid at the beginning of the term. All requests for payment must be submitted prior to the start of the term at the receiving institution. An invoice from the receiving institution is required before payment can be made. Send a copy of the invoice to Human Resources at least two weeks before the due date. Payment will be mailed to the receiving institution via U.S. Postal Service.
Be sure to share your child’s spring semester tuition bill with Alice Sikorski or Betty Konczyk as soon as possible to ensure timely payment. If you have any questions about tuition benefits, you can consult the HR website, or contact Alice (extension 82789) or Betty (extension 82952).