1. Purchasing Services Newsletter
Educating the future leaders of the world involves buying a lot of stuff. From scientific equipment to conference travel to copier paper, the Purchasing Services team is a vital part of the business of doing business at Lehigh.
The team recently launched a newsletter to help keep the campus updated about OneCard matters, sustainability, competitive bidding requirements and many other facets of purchasing.
2. Flu Shot Clinics
The Centers for Disease Control recommends a yearly flu vaccine as the first and most important step in protecting against flu viruses.
You can get your flu shot right on campus through the LU Health and Wellness Center's walk-in flu shot clinics. Clinics will be held on October 8 and October 29, from noon to 5:00 p.m. in the STEPS building. The cost is $29.99.
Important Reminder: Lehigh's health insurance plans for staff and faculty are not accepted at the clinic. If you'd like to use your insurance plan to get a flu shot, please make an appointment with your doctor.
Questions? Call the Health and Wellness Center at 610-758-3870.
3. Lehigh 150th Idea Forum
With just two years until Lehigh celebrates its sesquicentennial, planning activities are kicking into high gear. Whether you’ve been at Lehigh for five years or fifty, it’s an exciting time to be a member of the campus community.
Now, you're invited to share your thoughts about how the university should mark this very important occasion. The university has launched an online idea forum similar to the one used during the campus master plan process. You can start a conversation. You can vote on other people’s ideas. The input of faculty and staff is going to be an important part of planning a full year’s worth of commemorations.
The conversation is just getting underway, so there's still time for you to add your voice.