1) Lehigh University Awards Nominations Deadline Soon
Your chance to nominate colleagues whose impact at Lehigh is truly a cut above ends soon!The most prestigious recognition for staff and faculty, the Lehigh University Awards, are given out just once a year at the annual Lehigh Appreciation Dinner. These awards are based on the recommendations of students, staff, and faculty. Nominations are now open, and we are relying on you to select the most deserving members of our community.
Nominate the people that have made a sustained impact over multiple years of Lehigh service, have impressed you with their innovation, have gone out of their way to lend a hand, or that you consider superstars. This is your opportunity to give back, and acknowledge faculty and staff for their talent, creativity, and dedication. Learn more about the awards here.
Submit your nominations before 5:00 p.m. on February 15, 2013. It only takes a few minutes to complete the new streamlined nomination ballot, and provide a brief statement explaining why your nominee should win an award.
2) Save The Date!
Speaking of the Lehigh Appreciation Dinner, we want you to be sure to save the date of April 30, 2013 for the annual affair at Stabler Arena. The event is always a lively celebration of the efforts of every Lehigh staff and faculty member.
In addition to the presentation of the Lehigh University Awards, the dinner is also an opportunity to honor retirees as well as employees who have reached the 25 year service milestone.
A wine and cheese reception kicks off the event, followed by a sit down dinner (vegetarian option available). Look for your invitation via email in March.
3) April 2nd Retirement Saving Seminar: Understanding and Achieving Your Long-Term Financial Goals Did you hear the one about the stock picking cat? Orlando’s success over the pros demonstrates that chasing short term profit in the stock market is a somewhat random enterprise. A cat might beat an expert over the course of a few quarters, but the keys to success are steady saving over many years and an appropriate asset allocation strategy.
Even if you don’t have as much time on your hands as an orange tabby, you can still take charge of your retirement planning. Join TIAA-CREF on Tuesday April 2 at 4:00 p.m. for an interactive seminar – Understanding and Achieving Your Long-Term Financial Goals. This seminar explores a variety of financial and retirement planning issues, including:
- How much is enough to save for retirement?
- How can you save more?
- Are you investing appropriately?
- Should you consider changes to your asset allocation strategy?
- What income sources and options will you have when you retire?
Register for this and other Human Resources sponsored events using the HR Training Registration Tool.