A new year is coming, and with it arrives a new slate of workplace learning programs. Lehigh's HR Workplace Learning team has developed a lively and full menu of programs for the spring semester (January through June).
You can register for all of these programs via the HR Training Registration Tool.
The fall series of Career Power Lunch was a sellout. If you want to know what all of the buzz is about, register for one, several, or all of the upcoming sessions. The program takes place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and includes a boxed lunch. Spring semester programs include:
February 14: Interviewing
March 14: Networking
April 11: Linked In
May 9: The Lehigh Salary System
June 13: Reward and Recognition
Center For Business And Industry
If you are a manager interested in developing your leadership and supervisory skills, Lehigh’s BESTprogram will support you in your efforts. TheManagement Development Program atNorthampton Community College’s Center for Business and Industry is a certificate program that we especially recommend for its convenience and quality. Many Lehigh managers have graduated from this course and given it high marks.
Now, through the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges (LVAIC), we can offer the opportunity for several Lehigh managers to go through a version of the program tailored to the higher education community. More information is available in this flyer. The spring class starts January 17, so if you are interested in one of the slots that Lehigh has available in this all-higher ed cohort, contactMary Jo McNulty soon at mjd4@lehigh.edu or extension 83894.
If your schedule doesn’t fit the LVAIC program, you can still pursue the certificate program on your own. Visit the Center for Business and Industry’s website for more information. When you’re ready to register, contact Mary Jo to take advantage of your BEST Program benefits.
Crucial Conversations is a multi-day course that teaches skills to foster open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional, or risky topics—at all levels of your organization.
By learning how to speak and be heard (and encouraging others to do the same), you’ll uncover the best ideas, make quality decisions, and then act on your decisions with unity and commitment.
View the video at the end of this article to learn more about this dynamic program.
More programs are being added, including Understanding Higher Education: for Those New to Higher Education, Performance Management 101 and GPS: Meet The Short Form, so visit the Workplace Learning Calendar regularly for the latest news.