Thursday, January 1, 2015
by Carla Kologie, ERAC Chair
Let our New Year’s resolution be this: We will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word. – Goran Persson
New year, same goals. As we come off the holiday heyday and try to get back to routines and responsibilities, ERAC’s 2015 resolutions center around making sure you know more about who we are and encouraging positive, creative, productive feedback among Lehigh’s more than 1200 staff members.
We will continue to
- determine relevant topics around which to base events;
- foster professional networking among staff across all areas of the university;
- create opportunities for staff to have fun together; and
- build staff morale through various forms of recognition.
In addition to the increasingly popular Knowledge @ Noon sessions, ERAC is actively seeking event partners within and outside the Lehigh community. Let us know what kinds of events you’d like to participate in, and we’ll follow up.
We’re looking for photographs to use on our website from the Phantoms hockey night and previous Iron Pigs events. If you’d like to share a photo, please contact Bob Bruneio, chair of ERAC’s communications committee.
From campus safety to technology, student life to campus planning, business services and finance to community and international outreach, ERAC members have been meeting with various campus representatives and will continue to do so this year. A number of these meetings have resulted in new initiatives for the group, including ERAC representation on various campus committees. If your area would like to meet with ERAC to discuss possible projects or ideas, contact Carla Kologie to get the conversation started.
Using Technology For Recognition
ERAC’s new website is in the final review stages, so look for announcements about when it goes live. One of the site’s new features will be the “Give a High Five.”
ERAC members know there are lots of great people doing great things here at Lehigh. “Give a High Five” will allow employees to acknowledge each other’s efforts. Unlike other university awards processes, the High Five is a short form that allows employees to say thank you or to acknowledge others’ efforts as they see them playing out at Lehigh on any given day. ERAC will forward the High Five on to the staff members and their supervisors. Sometimes a simple “Way to go!” goes a long way.
As we head into 2015 with high expectations and hopeful anticipation, ERAC looks forward to joining with all staff and faculty in the celebration of Lehigh’s past and a transition to an even more promising future.
Upcoming Events
Knowledge @ Noon Sessions:
Wednesday, January 21, in Lamberton Hall
Financial Aid – An overview of what it is from a staff perspective.
Speaker: Jen Mertz
Thursday, January 22, in UC 303
Personal Training - Advice to help you keep your healthy New Year’s resolutions.
Speaker: Genna Albano
Earn Be Well points!
Other Important Dates:
Wednesday, January 28
REACH Networking Session
ERAC elections
Late February – March
Distinguished Service Award nominations collected
Saturday, June 20
Iron Pigs Game