By Seth Goren
We hope you all are doing well and looking forward to the impending onset of spring. We’re delighted to inform you about a number of staff-related events on behalf of the Employee Relations Advisory Committee (ERAC). Over the next several weeks, we’re looking forward to opening up elections for positions on next year’s Employee Relations Advisory Committee. Joining ERAC will be three new non-exempt staff members and three new exempt staff members.
Candidate nominations have closed. Now, your vote is incredibly important, and we hope you’ll keep an eye out for a ballot link in the middle of April. The ballot will be available from April 15 through 24. New members will be announced at the Lehigh Appreciation Dinner on April 30.
At the Dinner we’ll also be announcing the winner of the ERAC Distinguished Service Award. We had a splendid number of entries and are looking to sharing the winner with everyone then.In looking forward into the later spring, as has become tradition, ERAC is sponsoring the attendance at an Iron Pigs baseball game. We invite all members of the Lehigh family to join us on Saturday, June 15th at 6:35 p.m. (the day before Father's Day). Tickets are $10 and make excellent holiday and birthday gifts! To purchase your ticket, please use the form on the ERAC website.
To those who are marking spring holidays over the next couple of weeks, we wish you all the best for your celebrations! Happy spring, everyone!
News from ERAC
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013