Interest in the new Lehigh University Retirement Plan has been huge! Hundreds of staff and faculty have been attending group presentations, drop-in desks and one-on-one sessions with TIAA-CREF financial consultants.
In HR, we’re thrilled that so many employees are looking at this transition as an opportunity to consider their overall retirement planning. TIAA-CREF tells us that employee engagement is one of the keys to successful retirement saving outcomes, so you are all doing the right thing by paying attention, asking questions, and taking action.
If you haven’t made it to a group information session yet, don’t despair! There are four more on the schedule:
3:30 - 4:30 p.m. - Whitaker 303
Thursday, November 14, 2013
8:30 to 9:30 a.m. - Whitaker 303
Noon to 1:00 p.m. - Sinclair Auditorium
4:10 to 5:10 p.m. - Whitaker 303
In person, one-on-one counseling appointments have been filling up quickly, so HR has worked with TIAA-CREF to add more slots in the coming weeks. Call 800-732-8353 to schedule a private, confidential appointment. Keep in mind, you can also have a counseling session over the phone. Some people prefer phone appointments since they can be done from the comfort of your home at a wider range of times.
- Read your Transition Guide
- Go online to TIAA-CREF’s dedicated Lehigh Retirement Plan website to update your account.
- Keep watching the special retirement plan update page on the HR website for the latest news and information on the plan and additional educational opportunities.
If you haven't watched Provost Pat Farrell's introductory video yet, you can see it here: