Employee Takeovers Show Lehigh Through A Different Lens

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Friday, October 18, 2019

by Emma Dillon, Employee Communications Intern


Recently, Matthew Glose (photo right), Executive Secretary for the Facilities Department, gave us a sneak peek into his life at Lehigh through an employee takeover of the Work/Life Lehigh Instagram account.

“I had a blast taking over the Instagram!” Glose said. “It’s a very exciting time at the University and in the Office of Facilities with many Path to Prominence (P2P) projects underway and many more to come.”

Glose used this unique opportunity to share current P2P construction projects, introduce fellow colleagues, and provide a behind the scenes look at his job and department. “In the Facilities Department, each day varies drastically due to all of the ongoing and future projects in the pipeline, which gave me a plethora of ideas to feature throughout my Instagram takeover,” he said.

In case you’ve missed it, the Work/Life Lehigh Instagram account has had more than 10 employee takeovers. From the backstage of Zoellner to the tops of construction sites, each staff member has captured Lehigh through their own lens. Employee takeovers are a great way to showcase your work and the great things about working for Lehigh.

For Lehigh Human Resources, employee takeovers are part of our employer branding and talent acquisition efforts. They provide an opportunity to show current and potential employees what it’s like to work in a diverse range of roles at Lehigh.





When an employee takes over the Work/Life Lehigh Instagram account, they become the content creator for the day. In the past this has mostly resulted in posts on the Work/Life Lehigh “feed,” but now we’re also inviting employees from all corners of the university to share their lives at Lehigh on our Instagram stories as well.

Throughout the takeover day, employees will snap pictures and videos of their daily duties, introduce their co-workers, provide an inside look at exciting projects, and share any other parts of their work lives that they’d like to highlight. “I decided to not only showcase the work life of an executive assistant in the Facilities department, but also included my fellow Lehigh colleagues,” Glose said.



Matthew is an experienced “Grammer,” but you don’t have to be an Insta-expert to do an employee takeover.

We’ll make the experience even easier for you by arranging a brief training prior to your takeover day, supplying step-by-step instructions on what to do that day, and being responsible for uploading the Instagram stories onto the Work/Life Lehigh account for you. All you have to do is produce the content!

An employee takeover experience is an engaging and authentic approach to show off your career and promote Lehigh to current and future staff and faculty. It may seem intimidating at first, but we promise it’s really easy and fun. 




We asked our prior takeover participants what advice they would give to colleagues. Here’s what they told us:

  • Create a storyboard or outline of your content for the day
  • Take a look at the calendar -- plan some opportunities and/or pick a day with lots of activities and changes in scenery
  • Form a list of #hashtags in advance to help brand your takeover
  • Ask for help if you need it
  • Take a look at past employee takeovers
  • Be authentic and have fun
  • Just do it!

Interested in joining the #EmployeeTakeover fun? Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate. Reach out to Hillary Kwiatek and we’ll get the ball rolling!