You still have time to provide valuable information and help Lehigh improve for current and future members of our campus community by completing the HEDS Survey. You'll find a unique link to the survey in your email inbox.
As a token of appreciation for your time, you may be randomly-selected for one of the following twenty-six thank-you gifts: two $100 gift cards to Amazon, four $50 gift cards to Amazon, and twenty $20 gift cards to Amazon. Registry for the thank-you gifts is elective and completely separate from the survey – your responses to the survey cannot be linked to any identifying information that you may supply if you choose to register for the thank-you gifts. The odds of winning a gift card depend upon the number of respondents. The winners of these thank-you gifts will be randomly selected within 2 weeks of when the survey closes on April 18.
If you have questions about this survey, you may contact Donald Outing, Vice President for Equity and Community, at, or Nicole Seidler, Research Analyst and Data Manager at the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium, at nicole.seidler@hedsconsortium.