More than 500 university employees gathered in Stabler Arena April 30 for the annual Lehigh Appreciation Dinner. The dinner and awards ceremony celebrated the achievements of faculty and staff. Gary Lutz, vice provost for institutional research, emceed the event.
Among the honorees were a boiler operator with more than 25 years of experience, a newcomer who is making Lehigh a more sustainable campus, a paleoecologist leading the way in his field, and an engineering professor who is making drinking water safe for millions of people.
University President Alice P. Gastwelcomed guests and said, “In honoring our colleagues this evening, we are celebrating leadership in all its manifestations.”
Gary invited the newest members of the 25 Year Club in attendance on stage for a photograph. The new members for 2012-13, some of whom are pictured below, are:
Linda M. Bambara, Education & Human Services
Henri J. Barkey, International Relations
Susan E. Barrett, Psychology
Ian Birky, Counseling Services
Marie-Hélène Chabut, Modern Languages & Literature
Christine L. Cole, Education & Human Services
Gail A. Cooper, History
Jeanne B. Dearden, LTS Admin & Planning
Dorothy DeMasi, Environmental Health & Safety
Peggy H. Dilliard, LTS Library Access Services
Vladimir T. Dobric, Mathematics
Sharon Kay R. Field, Parking Services
John J. Foley, Athletics
Richard W. Freeman, Risk Management
James D. Gunton, Physics
Miltiadis K. Hatalis, Electrical & Computer Engineering
James C. Hwang, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Carolyn C. Jones, Center for Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Jane M. Josephson, Athletics
Kathy Katcher, Wilbur Powerhouse
Barbara A. Kessler, Chemical Engineering
Richard J. Kish, Finance & Law
David A. Ledger, Facilities Services
Jerome C. Licini, Physics
Lorin J. Miller, LTS Technology Management
Pamela G. Mongi, Art, Architecture & Design
Bruce E. Moon, International Relations
Anthony P. O’Brien, Economics
Henry U. Odi, Provost Office
H. Daniel Ou-Yang, Physics
Barbara A. Parenti, LTS Library Access Services
Linda L. Roberts, Purchasing
Susan A. Sherer, Management
David B. Small, Sociology & Anthropology
John K. Smith, History
Diane K. Snyder, Development Office
Alberto Vazquez, Centennial School
Lenore E. Weissler, Religion Studies
Peter K. Zeitler, Earth & Environmental Sciences

Following dinner, Gary led a moment of silence for those members of the Lehigh family who passed away in the last year. The event program listed those who received 2012-13 spot bonus awards, those who received 2012 Tradition of Excellence individual and team awards, and those who received recognition awards for playing key roles in managing the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy.
As guests enjoyed dessert, Gary was joined on stage by Alice Gast, Pat Farrell, and others to present this year’s Lehigh University Awards. You can read more and see photos of all the recipients in this In The Spotlight story.
The evening closed with recognition of this year’s retirees. More information and photos can be found in this In The Spotlight story.