Coffeepot Chatter: Higher Ed-iquette

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Maria: Hi Tom. Hey, did your friend get the job in Advancement?

Tom: Yes, he starts next month. He asked me if he should expect an organizational culture that is much different that a corporate environment.

Harry: What did you say?

Tom: Say? I laughed.

Maria: I guess that answered his question.

Tom: I tried to think of Lehigh and higher ed idiosyncrasies to tell him but could only think of a few.

Harry: Will he be here in time for the new workplace learning program HR is offering in July?

Tom: What program?

Harry: I believe it is called Higher Ed-iquette.

Maria: Ed-iquette? Fascinating. May I attend?

Working in higher education provides special challenges and opportunities.  It also comes with its own set of traditions, terminology and practices.

For instance, can you answer all of these questions?


  • What exactly does tenure mean and why do we have it for faculty? 
  • What is the difference between a private and public university? 
  • What is the role of the board of trustees? 
  • What exactly does a provost do? 
  • Lehigh terms such as R&P, the Ed Pol committee, Faculty Steering committee are often mentioned; just what are they?  

Those new to Lehigh University and to higher education and even those who have spent some time in this environment wonder about these questions.  In response to numerous requests for more insight into higher education, General Counsel Frank Roth and Associate Vice President for Human Resources Jackie Matthews will present a new program – Higher Ed-iquette on July 18.  

Jackie and Frank are true higher education veterans. They have worked in four universities with a combined 70 years of higher education experience. Attendees will learn about the protocols, traditions and vernacular specific to this work environment.  

This program is for anyone who wants to increase his or her knowledge about the ways that institutions of higher education are classified, organized and governed.  It will also help you understand the larger context of your work at Lehigh.  You can register today using the HR Training Registration Tool.